
Sponsoring the Lago Vista Aquatics youth swim team not only gets your business name out in the community, but it also enables the swim team to purchase equipment for kids ages 4-17, allowing them to participate in a fun and healthy team sport throughout the summer. We are currently saving money for electronic timing touch pads to use at our swim meets. A complete touchpad system will cost the team $20,000 – $30,000.


The team had to purchase a replacement 8′ x 5′ storage building to keep equipment in at the City Pool. It will be placed in a prominent position near the picnic tables and women’s restroom. If we receive a Titanium sponsorship of $950 from one company before May 31, 2023, we will place a permanent Sponsorship Plaque identifying the sponsorship company onto the front of the building. It would also gain your company permanent Titanium sponsorship placement on our website.


The team will purchase a digital timing system for use during home swim meets. If we receive a Titanium sponsorship of $950 from one company before May 31, 2023, we will place a permanent Sponsorship Plaque identifying the sponsorship company of the timing system onto the side of the new 8′ x 5′ storage building located at the Lago Vista City Pool. It would also gain your company a “Thank You” announcement at every meet we use the timing system at and a permanent Titanium sponsorship placement on our website.

Deadline to Sponsor the 2023 Lago Vista Aquatics Youth Swim Team is May 31, 2023.

Please choose your preferred way to sponsor your local youth swim team.

Business name in plain text on the Lago Vista Aquatics sponsor banner hanging at the Lago Vista City pool

“Thank you for Sponsoring” published on the Lago Vista Aquatics Facebook page

“Thank you for Sponsoring” announcement during home meets

Business logo, phone number, and website added to the Lago Vista Aquatics sponsor banner

Business name in plain text on every page of the Lago Vista Aquatics website

Business logo, phone number, and link to your website added to the Lago Vista Aquatics website

Business logo, phone number, and website added to the Lago Vista Aquatics team shirt

T-shirts go out to every LVA swimmer, in addition to some parents with the swim team, and provide years of advertising.